Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I am now 31 Weeks!!! Only 8 more weeks to go!

Not a great picture, but you get the idea.

Size of baby: Baby Garrison is now the size of a squash. That better be a really big squash.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well my weight has gone up another 8 lbs since my last post. I am currently at +20 and I am feeling very good about that.  Especially since my co-worker told me the other day that I didn't even look pregnant from the backside! Yeah me.

Maternity Clothes: My wardrobe is quickly shrinking.  I have started wearing Andy's A-shirts (tanks or wife beaters) in both gray and black, underneath all my shirts so that my belly is covered because my shirts keep creeping up.  It is crazy, shirts that I wore full term with James are way to small for this one.

Gender: It is still a boy! Ha Ha...We are still calling him Rocco because we are trying to come up with names but it is not as easy as it was with James.  We are avoiding it at this point, but we are not going to be able to do that for much longer.  Do they still make you decide a name before you leave the hospital?

Movement: He has moved further down in my pelvis region so he is not moving as much in terms of kicking and punching as he is sort of flopping around.  He likes to do barrell rolls in the morning. 
Sleep: Still doing pretty good, I am a much lighter sleeper but I am still able to go back to sleep easily which was a problem when I was carrying James. 

Cravings: Back to Mexican, french fries, and coke. I have also added sorbet to my list.  As he did last time I was pregnant, Andy has stepped up to the plate and actually made me homemade sorbet instead of having to buy me $7 Haagen Daz each night.  He is such a good hubby!

Symptoms: I have been very sore lately and am very stiff if I sit too long.  I also have this one spot on the left side of my belly that is apparently "internally bruised" and since Rocco loves me so much, he tends to rest his head there ALL DAY and push on that bruise. OUCH!  Other than that, I just need to make sure I get enough sleep and then all is well.  Andy is also being my nap enforcer and making me either rest or take a nap when I look to drained to him.  I must look like poo a lot because he makes me sit down a lot!  :)

Best Moment of the month: I don't know there that has been anyone moment this month.  It might be upcoming in that next week I will finally have Rocco's room cleaned, painted, and ready to go for him.  I will keep you posted.

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