Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 Months Old

On Saturday, October 14th James turned 10 months old!!! I know, I can't believe it either.  Some things that are going on right now...James is obsessed with walking, anything that he can push in front of him becomes a walker, the laundry basket, a cardboard box, even the trash can.  We are excited by this as well as terrified.  He has also taken his turn on the stairs, he gets up about three steps and then turns around sees how high he is and promptly sits down, but since his but/legs is wider than the step he promptly tips back and falls down.  Thus the gate has gone up which Gus is none to happy about.  We also turned the front room into James playroom so all his toys are in one area and he loves it.

He has also decided that he doesn't really need baby food anymore, he just wants whatever is on your plate.  By doing this he has greatly diversified and expanded his palate.  With his 8 teeth, he now enjoys hamburger, chicken, whole peas, cut up green beans, mashed potatoes, mashed potates with gorganzola, macaroni and cheese, whole carrots, cheerios up the ying yang, french fries, apple juice, and the cherries out of Andy's drink (not really...just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.)

He weighed 20 lbs 5 ounces when he had his tubes in and  is probably around 28 1/2 inches tall - as Andy always points out he is almost half my height.  He is wearing a size 18 shirt but as is the Hogan/Garrison way, he still has short legs so only a 12 month pant/short.

He not really saying anything yet besides DAH, sometimes it is GA and sometimes TSS, but mostly DAH.  He is fully aware of his name and will momentarily pause will you tell him no before he busts out laughing at you.  It is incredibly hard not to laugh along with him, but we are finding a way to keep a straight face. Someone has also taught him how to stick out his tonuge, so that is a fun new game.

He and Gus are becoming quite the buds especially when James chases him around the room trying to get his toy or continually tips over Gus's water bowl. 

We are as always enjoying our time with him and can't wait to see what he does next.

The 10 month old face!

James in the playroom

1 comment:

Bev Johnston said...

He looks so old!!! I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!