Saturday, April 16, 2011

Playing Catch-Up - Grandma's House

I am going to play the pregnancy card again on why I haven't updated this in a while. Although it doesn't mean much because my friend Bev just had a baby  - her 2nd - Case is James' age - and had her blog updated a week later - so it would appear that my excuse is laziness versus pregnancy, but I am claiming extreme exhaustion due to pregnancy!

These may not go in exact chronological order, so bear with me. Enjoy!

These pics were back in the middle of March (I know, I know) when we went to Grandma's Hogans for spring break.  We were very busy as everyone wants to hang out with James, but we had a couple of nice days that we could play outside.  James current favorite thing to do. 

James LOVED this chair and kept getting up and down

We bought James this bucket and he went around digging things up and putting them in his bucket. 

He didn't like the dirt on his hands though, so he kept the shovel handy.
James was very fascinated with Grandpa's tractor so we climbed up and drove for a bit.

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